In the next episode of “Tomorrow belongs to us” … The police intervene to save Lilou, already unconscious. Victor, who has an idea behind the head, gives a gift to Philippine. Gloria ment in Samuel concerning his relationship with Adam.
Please note, the following paragraphs contain spoilers on the episode of Tomorrow belongs to us broadcast Monday evening on TF1! If you prefer to know nothing, do not read the rest.
Monday February 3 in Tomorrow belongs to us …
Liam confeats
At Spoon, Bastien, Violette and Octave cannot detach their eyes from the Livestream video of Lilou, attached in a tank that fills with water. The girl continues to call for help. It is torture for her boyfriend.
At the police station, Chloé remains with Liam to try to make him speak. She assures him that she sincerely attached herself to him by getting to know him, even if she rejected him when the police had doubts about him. She pushes him to think about his future with the death of Lilou on consciousness.
Thanks to her, Liam ends up revealing the address where Lilou is. The police go immediately to the site and save the girl just in time. She is transferred to the hospital, where she recovers slowly. Octave and Violette soon went to her bedside.
Meanwhile, Liam is locked in cells, keeping silent. Manon comes to bring him water as well as a notebook in case he wants to put his confession in writing. The young man then begins to write to explain his actions.
Last year, he had the impression of having integrated into high school, especially by leaving with Lilou. After their breakup, everything collapsed. By tidying up his grandmother’s affairs, he came across ancient clippings relating to the 1984 zodiac affair. It was the click to make everyone pay.
Regarding Violette, Liam specifies that he has always intended to prevent him from drowning. For the assault of François, he admits that he had not considered that he could make an allergy at the spray of the Scorpion. For that of Octave, he declares that he had suffered the lion drug enough so that he was not dangerous but that the scene can humiliate his rival. As for Lilou, Liam admits that he was overwhelmed by anger.
Once the confessions have been sent to the police, the case of Liam is in the hands of the judge.
Adam confides in his father
By waking up with Adam at the hotel, Gloria declares that their relationship has no future on the long term and that they should stop there. She adds that she fears that he falls in love with her. Adam says that a relationship without promise suits him very well. Gloria is reassured.
Later, Adam will go shopping with his father. He admits being worried about him. Adam then reveals that he has a relationship with a woman 10 or even 15 years older than him, but that it is nothing very serious. François then encouraged his son to take advantage of it. He promises to say anything to Soizic.
In the evening, when Adam is about to get out, his father covers him by pretending that he will work on a presentation. Convinced, Soizic accepts that he comes out.
The Roussels are threatened
At Spoon, Philippine returns to Bart to buy his business with him. The young man declares that he does not intend to move. Philippine is surprised that he is not more ambitious or adventurous for her age. Before leaving, she leaves him a check for him to consider his offer.
Back home, Philippine talks about it with Charles, rather confident about her chances of convincing Bart. At the same time, she received a bouquet of flowers from Victor with an invitation to have a drink. The two partners meet to bury the ax of war and agree to get off on the right foot.
In the evening, Bart admits to Roxane that he is in question because of what Philippine told him. He fears to miss out on his life and plans to go abroad.
Meanwhile, among the Roussels, everyone is about to go to the table. Jack will open the door to the pizza delivery man, but there is no one on the landing. The young man then discovers a message on the door wall. He seizes it and shows it to the rest of the family. On the sheet, it is written: “You will pay for what you did“…